Boston City Campus and DJ Fresh are giving away 23 Bursaries Opportunity

Boston City Campus & Business College and DJ Fresh are giving away 23 bursaries over the next few weeks. These exciting opportunities include three bursaries valued at R100 000 each to study at Boston Media House and 20 bursaries valued at R20 000 each to study at Boston City Campus & Business College. The college has over 40 campuses across South Africa, the Media House has three campuses nationally.
To stand a chance to win one of these bursaries, all you have to do is email a motivation that will move the larger-than-life DJ to cheers.
“If your 230-word motivation makes me break into whistles and cheers as I read it, you are in, you are a winner – it’s as simple as that,” says DJ Fresh, whose real name is Thato Sikwane. “Drive, passion, courage to be different and desire to make a difference are topmost on our wish list and that is what prospective students need to show on their motivations.”
Kerry Damons, Boston City Campus & Business College’s head of marketing explains that the College and the DJ teamed up for the impressive bursary give-away to celebrate their long and happy association and the DJ’s 23 years on radio. DJ Fresh studied at Boston Media House before he went on to carve a successful career in the entertainment industry. He is one of Africa’s most sought-after DJs, occasionally appears on TV, runs his own company and is involved in social upliftment initiatives. “We are not shy to admit that we love Fresh and are immensely proud of his career,” says Damons. “The word ‘fresh’ means things like new, forward-thinking, innovative, energetic, smart, ambitious and as a descriptive word, ‘fresh’ actually applies to the total context of the Boston Bursary Giveaways.”
The bursary line officially opened yesterday and will conclude on Friday July 17 at 10 am sharp. The process is straightforward and uncomplicated: prospective students have to send DJ Fresh an email at [email protected] motivating why they should win a bursary.
The day after Youth Day, Wednesday June 17, the DJ will start reading motivations and selecting winners. He will select one winner per day for 23 days.
Anyone and everyone is invited to enter the giveaway, but the following requirements apply: you need to have a matric/grade 12 or equivalent educational certificate; must not be enrolled as a student at present; you must be able to start your studies at Boston this coming semester; and your motivation email must not exceed 230 words.
“Everyone stands a chance to win,” says DJ Fresh. “It is a fantastic opportunity for those that are prepared to work hard and are passionate to succeed in the line of study they choose. I got my qualification at Boston and I know the value of a good qualification. I love pulling others up; empowering other people to become the best they can be.”
Visit www.boston.co.za for more information on the Fresh Boston Bursary
Giveaway terms and conditions, as well as information on courses offered at Boston City Campus & Business College and at Boston Media House. Boston has won various awards since 1991; was voted coolest college, best college and best computer training college, among others.
Stand out from the crowd
To win one of the 23 bursaries that are up for grabs in the Fresh/Boston Bursary Giveaway, you need to write a great motivation.
Don’t drive DJ Fresh to tears with a sad story. Rather drive him to cheers with your plan for the future; a plan where you succeed and help others to succeed – this is what he is looking for.
The motivation must state why are you applying for the bursary giveaway. You can write whatever you like. The winning bursaries will probably not include: “Because I want to; Because I need to, Because I deserve it.” Motivate in a clear and understandable way. Focus on where you are now, where you would like to be, and how the Boston bursary can take you there. Do not use cellphone language, abbreviations, or slang
Make an effort to stand out from the crowd. “Sell” yourself. You can state that you are applying because you cannot afford study fees. But you need to go beyond that. You must mention your strong points, the things that make you worthy of receiving a bursary, for example your good character, achievements and contributions to society. APPLY NOW