Dept. of Transport is offering Full time Bursaries Opportunity

The Department of Transport is offering INTERNAL EMPLOYEES a full time Bursary to study traffic Diploma.
Selection Citeria
Preference will be given to individuals who are below 35 years of age,level 6 and below, demonstrate preparedness to learn and have no criminal record.
Applicants must meet the above admission requirements as stipulated by the College and attach proof of passing Matric and in possession of a Driver’s License.
How to Apply
Bursary application forms can be COLLECTED and RETURNED to the following District Assistant managers or Head Office.
District: Alfred NZO
Ms N. Somhlahlo
039 254 6413
Ntsizwa road, Mt Ayliff (opposite Alfred Nzo District municipality offices)
Ms N. Maqanda
043 704 6656
Corner Caxton & Cambridge Street Daily Dispatch Building , East London.
Mr K. Senekal
041 508 2727
51 Govan Mbeki Avenue, ABSA Building
District:Chris Hani
Mr D. Gunxe
045 807 3752
92 Cathcart Road, Room 216 Sanlam Building Queenstown
District: Joe Gqabi
Mr S. Guga
051 633 2871
29 Queen Terrace Street, Aliwal North
District:O.R. Tambo
Ms P. Madikizela
047 501 8853
7th Floor, Botha Sigcau Bldg, Corner Owen & Leeds Street
District:Head Office
Ms Z. Sityebi/Mr M. Charlie
043 604 7442
B62/B75, 32 Cowen Close, Stellenbosh Park, Schornville, King Wiliams Town
Closing Date: 19 June 2015 APPLY NOW