Limpopo Dept of Public Works: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2016

Closing Date: 31 October 2015
Limpopo Province experiences a shortage of qualified Engineers, technicians and other needed scarce skills to establish, maintain and manage government office building, efficiently.
♦ Address skills shortage in the Department, offer financial assistance to the previously disadvantaged to acquire skills that are needed in the Department. ♦ To raise the quality skills development through out the Province. ♦ To promote economic growth, employment and social development. ♦ To promote South Africa with high calibre, motivated students who wish to make a career in scarce skills.
Eligibility for Considerations
- South African
- Intending to or studying towards a degree/diploma at a recognized South African tertiary institute.
- Accepted by the university/technikon.
- Final year students at institutions of higher learning.
Bursaries / Targeted Areas
- Building Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Quantity Surveying
- Architectural Science
- Landscaping
- Asset Management
- Information Technology / Management
Targeted Learning Areas
The Department identifies the needs from the Directorates/Programmes, then advertises the need to the community through the following: –
- Career exhibition
- Newspapers
- Radio
- Visiting Educational Institutions
Selection Procedures
♦ All applications must be for the next academic year. ♦ Applicants will not be considered for a bursary if he/ she previously failed unless he / she re-writes or repeats at his/her own expenses. ♦ Grade 12 with Mathematics and Science or NTC 3 (National Technical Certificates). ♦ Must be South African Citizen. ♦ Applications from designated groups will be given preference. ♦ Must be South African Citizen. ♦ Schedules are compiled for selection process.. ♦ Applications from designated groups will be given preference. ♦ Training Committee will convene a meeting for the selection of candidates. ♦ Applications from designated groups will be given preference. ♦ Successful candidates will be notified in writing and advised to sign a bursary agreement with the Department before payments could be made.
Payment Process
♦ Proof of registration with particular tertiary institution should be submitted. ♦ Payment is made after receiving the statement of account from the institutions. ♦ Payments are therefore made in respect of the following items:- ♦ Registration ♦ Tuition ♦ Meals ♦ Accommodation ♦ Books
Bursary Obligations
After completion of studies, a student is compelled to serve the number of year’s equivalent to years of sponsorship Refund of Bursary Payments Failure to comply with the provisions of the bursary agreement will result in the Bursary having to refund immediately all amounts (plus interest) paid by the Department.