Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Bursaries 2016

The bursary awards target the previously disadvantaged and impoverished persons from poverty-stricken and rural communities.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries intends to award comprehensive bursaries to qualifying applicants pursuing and/or intending to further their studies in critical scarce skills in agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors for the 2016 academic year.
The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation, books, meals and monthly allowance.
Applications are invited from South African citizens for the following fields of study:
- B.Sc. Bioresource Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.)
- B.Sc. Viticulture and Oenology
- B.Sc. Food Science
- B.Sc. Plant Pathology
- B.Sc. Agric. Soil Science
- B.Sc. Agric .Agronomy
- B.Sc. Genetics
- B.Sc. Forestry and Wood Science
- B.Sc. Geo-informatics
- B.Sc. Marine Biology
- B.Sc. Oceanography and Marine Biology
- B.Sc. Ichthyology specialising in Aquaculture
- National Diploma: Food Technology
- National Diploma: Forestry
- National Diploma: Fisheries Resource Management
- National Diploma: Marine Science
- Postgraduate studies (B.Tech, B.Sc. Hons, M.Tech., M.Sc., D.Tech. and PhD) in different agriculture, forestry and fisheries study fields linked to DAFF priority research projects.
Minimum requirements (National Senior Certificate)
- Study Fields (1-2) – Mathematics and Physical Science 6 (70-79)
- Study Fields (3-13) – Mathematics and Physical Science 5 (60-69)
- Study Fields (14-17) – Mathematics and Physical Science 4 (50-59)
It is worth noting that certain fields of study are only available at certain institutions of higher learning:
- Sc. Bioresource Engineering (Agricultural Engineering): University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.): University of Pretoria
- Sc. Viticulture and Oenology: University of Stellenbosch
- Sc. Forestry and Wood Science: University of Stellenbosch
- Sc. Oceanography and Marine Biology: University of Cape Town
- Sc. Ichthyology specialising in Aquaculture: Rhodes University
- National Diploma: Forestry: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
- National Diploma: Marine Science :
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology
- National Diploma: Fisheries Resource Management: Cape Peninsula University of Technology